Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day

No one is perfect but i'm sure there is a shit load more you could be doing to help keep earth going...

1: On average each person in the UK throws away their body weight in rubbish every seven weeks..

2: There is a pile of rubbish in the North pacific ocean, also known as the Pacific trash vortex, that is approximately the size of Texas..

3: An estimated 100 billion plastic bags are thrown away each year

4: The average American family takes home 1500 plastic bags a year

5: Approximately 70% of what we throw away could have been recycled

So here's a few simple things you could do to prevent some of this...

1: If you see rubbish on the ground, do this little thing called pick it up and put it in the bin.

2: Stop buying as much packaged foods and instead buy more fresh foods, its better for the environment and your own body...

3: Take your own bag to the supermarket when you go shopping, not that hard, and even if you forget 50% of the time, thats still 750 plastic bags you are saving.

4: Actually use a recycling bin, it really isn't that hard to to put bottles, cans and paper in a separate rubbish bin to everything else.

5: Don't litter. Its so obvious yes so many people do it.. don't just step on your cigarette butts and put them in the bin! Don't be lazy and drop rubbish when there is a bin coming up within the next 5 minutes of your life..

Its hard to celebrate earth day when everyone is messing it up... so don't fuck it fix it.

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