Wednesday, November 6, 2013

TLC - Crazy Sexy Cool


"Yo T-boz is ya bein' a boss, chilli wasup with that sauce?"

Crazy Sexy Cool the TLC story movie came out a few days ago.. and it was nothing but fab

We had Drew Sidora playin' T-Boz, Keke Palmer playin' Chilli, and Lil Mama playin' Left-eye.
Everything about it was great, from acting to script, and setting to wardrobe. These three did a great job of playin' these three influential women.

It was crazy how similar the remakes of the film clips were to the original film clips, and even how they moved when they danced. It was a fun and vibrant movie, and I dare you not to like it.

The world needs some more of the 90's. Some more originality. None of these modern day boring people with zero originality who are all polished up for society's standards. People need to let loose but with the right message. Stop bein' the same.


As I searched through the place of opportunities, I found my self at the verge of turning from happy and excited to outright CRAZY and ANGRY! But I was on a role, how could this happen to me. I had so far been hitting the Jack pot at this place of opportunities. I had collected Destinies Child Survivor album, their Jumpin' Jumpin' single, Kelly Rowland's first ever single 'Stole', Beyoncé's Sasha fierce album, and Janet Jackson's Double disc best of album. But it happened. It did, as i looked through the last row, I saw it, I touched it, and I bloody grabbed it! It was, yes, the, Crazy Sexy Cool TLC album. All there, all ready, all for me! I was so excited, it was pre loved, and about to be re-loved. Not that I didn't already have the album on my iTunes etc. But it was on disc, about to be played and pumped in my house. This place of opportunities, you may refer to it as 'The OpShop', it had disappointed me to the max as someone had ruined this joy for me. Reason being... Because the disc... Was not... In the case! Worst thing ever, how dare someone either not check their the case and give it to the OpShop, or someone at the OpShop not check the case and put it on display to just make people feel bad... Or for some horrible person to steal it from a shop which gives the money to charity anyway! Horrible, horrible, horrible. But It will find them.. I will...

What about your friends Ooooooh on the TLC Tip...

Biopic above, from left to right, Drew Siodora, Lil Mama, Keke Palmer