Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Yesterday I finished the TV series lost...

I am definitely the biggest fan of suspense TV shows...

I always start out in the first 5ish minutes of the first episode, thinking...'what the hell is this?' 
Then just like oh this isn't that good, but i'll just watch the next episode. Then you think, 'oh my god is this going to get any better.. what am i watching?' So then you move on to the next episode, and by then your kinda getting to know the main character a bit. And by the next episode you want to know what that 'thing' is for. Then you end up watching the whole series because they never tell you the 'thing' until the end of the whole series! Or they just keep bringing new crazy hidden 'things' out. And by the second last season, you know everyones life story and you feel sorry for them all.

And yes, 'Lost' was completely like this. I kinda feel like by the 4th season, they started making up some random crap so they could make more episodes. 

The character's in 'Lost' were easily attachable. From the start we all knew who we liked best. For me it was Kate. Then I began to like Sawyer, and Jin, Desmond and Penny, Ana-Lucia, and definitely Hurley. Charlie was possibly the most annoying character in a show I have ever witnessed, i don't know why but he just was, he made stupid decisions, and his character just annoyed me. I also hated Ben, until he became good, and hated Juliette because she was so neutral and content all the time like nothing was happening, however then also came to like her as well. I absolutely hated Lock in the second half of the series because he just tried to take over! Didn't mind Jack the whole way through but began to be irritating when he started with the 'we are here for a purpose' crap. Did't mind Richard until the second half, and Sayid was annoying but I kinda didn't mind him. The rest of the passenger characters weren't too bad. Loved Alex and Danielle Russo, hated all Charles Wigmore's men.

Most of the themes in Lost weren't too bad. The time travel was pretty cool but annoying because I like things that could possibly be true. But it was good to watch and see them go back in time to the Dharma initiative, find family, etc. Jacob and 'the man in black' annoyed me because we never knew 'his' name. And I generally didn't care about them. I didn't really like the whole island being pockets of energy thing, and we can't release them because bad stuff will happen. And I really liked the side-ways flash world, and back in the real world scenes about the passengers.

What I didn't like about lost was like i said above... The pocket of energy thing, jacob and the man in black. The fact that people became 'infected', but then kinda turned normal again after a while (eg. Sayid, and Claire). I also didn't like how the series made you think that the whispers were 'The Others', when they were just 'people who the island wouldn't let go of'. I didn't like how it didn't explain 'The Others' tip toeing bare-foot through the jungle. As well as the other un answered questions like the food drop, room 23, the Polar Bears, and the cause of pregnancy issues. And I didn't like how the last episodes left me confused about everything that just happened. Eg. Are they all dead? or are they all alive? How long have they been dead for? How did they die? If their dead there, then did the plane even return them? Or is it really far into the future, after the ones who returned have lived their lives? Like Kate, the Pilot, Miles, Richard, Claire. Please explain. You can't make me watch the TV for 2 months and not tell me what actually happened in the end.

But it does leave you thinking. And i'm sure it will leave me thinking for a very LONG time. But I highly recommend Lost. watch it (it's funny watching them age too). I also recommend  Prison Break, and Nikita! They are both my favourites! 

Marlometer: 8/10
Watch again: Yes, in about 10 years.
Why I liked it: Suspenseful, entertaining, annoying, able to connect to characters.

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