Saturday, October 12, 2013


What else is out there? -Everyone thinks.
Aliens? Nothing? Something?
Yeah there's something...Space junk! 
Broken bits of satellites and other junk flying at you.. And once anything gets the slightest bit of momentum it doesn't stop...

I would have thought that space would be safe, there's no criminals, there's no knives, no guns, no murderers, but oh wait, I forgot, there's crazy meteor showers, and things that build up speed so fast that they catch on fire in a place that is below 0 degrees celsius, you run out of oxygen, and if not found could be floating for the rest of your life.. which won't be long with an oxygen tank, Sounds great.

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney caught in an impossible looking obstacle... We follow them through their journey...

At the beginning of the movie 'Gravity', I thought it was going to be boring... The silence, the emptyness, very few things and colours...But then it got straight into it. The crazy ideas that this is believable and possible makes you think. The silence and loneliness is quite freaky, along with the crazy orbiting debris...
The thing that got me most... Is how annoying would it be spinning continuously like that...

I don't want to say too much... But defiantly one to see...

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