Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Asakusa - Japanese restaurant

Outings with Katherine and Katie...

A few weeks ago my friend Katie and I were discussing food in maths. I asked her if she had been to a restaurant on Waverley rd called 'Shallot'. She said 'no but I drive past it all the time', and then continued with asking me if I have been to restaurant called 'Asakusa' also on Waverley rd. I also said 'no but I drive past there all the time'. So right then and there, we made a deal that if I try her restaurant, she has to try mine too. And so we did.. Us along with our lively friend Katherine tried our first restaurant stop at 'Asakusa' Japanese restaurant. 

Especially after Maru Shih I was excited for some more exciting Japanese food to eat. So instead of ordering one main dish... We ordered three entrees each. There was the Ebi Gyoza, Nasu no Dengaku (miso paste Eggplant), Agedashi Tofu, Pork Gyoza, Tori no tatsuta age (Fried chicken and mayonnaise), and some Spicy Tuna Roll. I must say the food was quite delicious.

The atmosphere wasn't bad and we were able to observe all the other amazing looking dishes coming out of the kitchen. However I think we may have caught them on a busy night as we had rather slow service. But other than that my experience here was great. I do recommend this restaurant, (especially if your patient enough to wait quite a while for your food). 
They were standard prices, not cheap nor expensive. Worth checking out...

Service: 6
Food: 8
Price: 7
Return: Possibly 

Spicy Tuna roll

Nasu no dengaku (egg plant with miso paste)

Pork Gyoza

Agedashi Tofu

Tori no tatsuta age (Fried chicken and mayonnaise)

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