Thursday, September 12, 2013

Caribbean involvement in Melbourne

For all the Caribbean community in Melbourne/Victoria.
There aren't many organisations out there for the smaller cultures in Melbourne.
And for some cultures and nationalities, it's rare to see many people from the same area or country.

Tobago, where i'm from, and other smaller islands in the Caribbean are definitely some of them. I guess if you don't know where to look.

A few years ago when I was down at the park, I was just rollerblading around when I noticed two kids and a father playing hide and seek. And as black people do, we acknowledged each other. And he then asked me where I was from, and from there we talked for a while as he was also from the Caribbean. During this conversation he introduced me to something called 'Caribvic' which he told be to go look up when I get home.

He said to me, that I should come to the next event/meeting. But I never ended up going, as I completely forgot about it. However after remembering after so long, I have checked out the events coming up and have dated the days and times. 
There's an event in September and in November. I will be attending.

'CaribVic' is an organisation that holds events and promotions for Victoria's Caribbean community. It has things like, Steel pan festivals, picnics, lunches, etc. It seems to usually be on a Sunday, times varying depending on the event.

Anyone else who is interested should defiantly check it out on the Link below! Or just search 'CaribVic' in google or your alternative search engine. 

It's a really great chance to expand your knowledge of Caribbean culture in Melbourne/Victoria, so it would really be worth taking notice of, or simply supporting it.

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