Friday, August 23, 2013

Forever Balling...

One of the things I love most, is sport. Basketball definitely being my favourite.
While others find it easy to express through art, music, and simply just talking. Many find it great to express through sport. I know i've had my many encounters, of other peoples angry-teenage-hormones from hell, while being on the court. The odd elbow to the rib, pull of the hair, shove of the body, and swear word or 2 (more like 1,000). And although this may sound like unnecessary violent behaviour.. it is actually one of the best ways for young people to express. 
As it is a physical game, your able to be angry on court, and if you go too far in your actions, you get a foul called on you, meaning you need to reel it in. If you play soft through out the game, then you don't get anywhere, and are barely contributing. And if you give a little shove here and there, but your keeping it PG while contributing to the hopeful result of success. Then you find a balance that works, and a balance for expression.
As well as dealing with all the on court shenanigans, you also have to deal with the off court shenanigans. In any sport, you will get yelled at by your coach.. you can either 1. Take it onboard and attempt to fix the problem, 2. Ignore them like water of a ducks back, 3. Half listen and sort of fix the problem with a little bit of attitude thrown in, or 4. React angrily and talk back which gets you no where, or take it personally and go have a cry. I personally prefer number 2. 
But with all this we learn that as soon as the game finishes, nothing can change. We are best to move on and think about what to improve on the next game. We are taught to understand that what happens on the court stays on the court.  
Putting that rebound back up

On a fast break in a Youth League game

had a little fall at the Adelaide tournament 

Played an Under 19's team from China

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