Sunday, September 29, 2013

Second holiday goal complete - Beyoncé Stencil

Something Crafty

For a long time I have been meaning to do an Andy Warhol style piece of Beyoncé stencils grouped together in different colours. And the other day, I finished it.

I completed the actual stencil about a 3 months ago, but the weather hadn't been great on weekends, I didn't get spray paint until a while after, and I was still busy with basketball and school. So what better tim to do it in the Holidays. 

My friend from school mentioned to me a while ago, that her friend makes stencils from covers of display folders. So I cut off the cover of a spare display folder. Printed a Beyoncé stencil off the computer, stuck it on and got cuttin'.

I did it out side on a old pin board leaned up against a tree in my yard. Then began sprayin'.
The thing that was a bit difficult is scrubbing the spray paint off the plastic with turpentine while trying not to bend the stencil. I recommend getting a flat tray (eg. paint rolling tray) before doing this, filling it with turpentine, (just enough that if you lay the stencil down it would cover it), so that after your finished with one colour/the last coat, you can get it off easier and it doesn't ruin your next one.

What you'll Need:

- Display folder to cut out stencil. (can use thick paper)
- Spray paint
- Stanley knife
- Gas mask or mask (for fumes0
- Turpentine
- A couple of rags (to put the turpentine on
- A flat tray/ Paint rolling tray (to put the turpentine in)
- Gloves (to wear while spraying or using turpentine)
- Flat board or ground to use as a surface to lean your stencil on
- Flat paper or wall (depending on what you will be spray onto)

My stencil...

Stencil I cut out on display folder cover

You can make any thing!... Tshirts, Cards

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