Thursday, October 3, 2013

Third holiday goal complete - Take out my braids

After 2 months it was about time to take my braids out. So along with the help of my Mum, and my  friend Cooper, we did it.

With a bucket, some scissors, and a bobby pin. We were all set and ready. So the only thing left to do, was chuck on a movie. We knew the movies we were going to watch. 'Hairspray', and then 'High School Musical'. Definitely can't go wrong with those two. Just sing the tunes, and undo the hair. By the end of 'High School Musical' they were out. I was free, and my head was light! We had a bucket full of hair, not just fake mind you. While in took a shower, (a long one), I thought I was going bald, as I had 5 handfuls of hair come out of my head. So after the shower, I ended up with a bucket of fake hair, and a plastic bag of my hair. I'm amazed I still have hair on my head. You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at my head that I don't have as much as I started with. Looks like the same old Marli's trademark 'poof' as people say.

Well I'm free now, my head doesn't itch, and its soft as anything. Thanks to Cooper, Mum, and my self.




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