Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sound Of Music

After a long few months of rehearsing... the production week came along.

This was my second musical I participated in for school. My first was 'The Wizard Of Oz' where I was a dancer. But this year in 'The Sound Of Music' I played Herr Zeller (who was a Nazi). Bit Ironic I thought, a black Nazi.

The first matinee and night performance was a blast. We hit it off great. And it followed on from that in the second night, and third night performance. There was no loss of Hype through out the whole week. Although we were tired, we were still hyped. 

Met some great people. And had a great time pretending to be someone i'm not! I enjoyed everything about the musical from beginning to end. The great thing about musicals and participating in them, is that your with a wide range of people of all different ages. Young, Old, Big, Small, Big boned, Skinny, annoying, quiet. There all there, and they all contribute to releasing an amazing group of people.

Thanks to everyone for making it fab. I'll miss it.

The hills were definitely alive...

Havin' a chat with the stage manager and the director

Rehearsal lunch break

Me and the boys

End of the show bows

Me (Herr Zeller)

Crazy costume

Elsa and I

The nuns

My 'wife' and I

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