Friday, October 4, 2013

Random act of kindness/Luck/Unlucky - Rhianna concert

I always have this thing, where i'll be thinking something, or i'll wonder if something will happen... and it usually does. It can't be something that can have a yes or no answer. It has to be something that you want to happen, or that you ask yourself if it will happen. For example 'I wonder when i'll hear from "blah" next?', and then i'll hear from them that day. Or 'I wonder if my shoes I ordered will come soon', and then they come the next day.

And I had a mini one the other day. I was standing around at work, talking to the other staff about random things. One of the things I mentioned to them was the Rihanna concert, and I asked one of them if they were going, they said no, and we just started talking about her 'shenanigans' in Perth. Turning up apparently an hour and a half late, drunk, and on weed.

Then about one hour later, I take a look at my phone, and I have 7 missed calls from my friend Cooper, and a few text messages saying there's an emergency and urgent matter! So as you would, I called back, and I hear an "are you busy tonight? wanna come to Rihanna with me?" Um... like i'd say no...
So after work, I rushed home, got ready in 30 minutes, and headed to the concert. In platforms mind you, and keep in mind that i'm already 5"11. We were going to be in the mosh pit, my first mosh pit experience, my test run for Beyoncé who's coming October 22! I was rather excited.

So we get off the train and touch off our Myki's at Richmond to head over to Rod Laver, when we were stopped in our tracks by two people in fluorescent jackets with metro on them. We call them 'the ticket inspectors'. And they said "Can I see your concession card please". As they believe that we don't look like students. We replied with "I don't have a concession card". So they hen said "Can I see some ID then?". Like come on.. I got ready in 30 minutes like i'm going to remember to bring my useless (maybe not so useless) ID card. I said "LOOK... i'm 17 and 5"11, i'm wearing makeup and heels for once in my life, and i'm going to Rihanna". They laughed, then nodded, "Ok, that's fine". Yeah that's what I thought, out'a my way I got a concert to get to. And so we began to run. Not like we were late, we just wanted to get a good spot in the pit. And we did, we were about 10 metres at the start. At first we were like, let's sit down we will be standing this whole time, and so we did. And when I stood up, I heard "ohh..", "I can't see anything", "omg". Yeah well.. not my fault, grow a little. I mean I was considerate, I contained my hair so they actually could see.

Anyway, after starting off 10 meters away while this horrible supporting act performed/DJ'd, we ended up 5 meters from the front. Every time someone fainted, or moved, or left, we jumped forward, and ended up being super close. Like I could see hair on her thighs...
But the concert was great, she's an entertainer alright... a lot of crotch grabbin'! But besides that her dancing, outfits, and enthusiasm was fab.

And what do you call this unexpected occasion. Unlucky that his friend got sick and told him to give the ticket away? Lucky because the first person he asked said she already has plans? Or random act of kindness because he thought to ask me and give it to me? I don't really know my self. But whatever it is I love it! Thanks Cooper!!!! Thanks Cooper's sick friend!!! Thanks busy person !!!

10 meters
5 meters
Love the boots
So close

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