Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day

No one is perfect but i'm sure there is a shit load more you could be doing to help keep earth going...

1: On average each person in the UK throws away their body weight in rubbish every seven weeks..

2: There is a pile of rubbish in the North pacific ocean, also known as the Pacific trash vortex, that is approximately the size of Texas..

3: An estimated 100 billion plastic bags are thrown away each year

4: The average American family takes home 1500 plastic bags a year

5: Approximately 70% of what we throw away could have been recycled

So here's a few simple things you could do to prevent some of this...

1: If you see rubbish on the ground, do this little thing called pick it up and put it in the bin.

2: Stop buying as much packaged foods and instead buy more fresh foods, its better for the environment and your own body...

3: Take your own bag to the supermarket when you go shopping, not that hard, and even if you forget 50% of the time, thats still 750 plastic bags you are saving.

4: Actually use a recycling bin, it really isn't that hard to to put bottles, cans and paper in a separate rubbish bin to everything else.

5: Don't litter. Its so obvious yes so many people do it.. don't just step on your cigarette butts and put them in the bin! Don't be lazy and drop rubbish when there is a bin coming up within the next 5 minutes of your life..

Its hard to celebrate earth day when everyone is messing it up... so don't fuck it fix it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

TLC - Crazy Sexy Cool


"Yo T-boz is ya bein' a boss, chilli wasup with that sauce?"

Crazy Sexy Cool the TLC story movie came out a few days ago.. and it was nothing but fab

We had Drew Sidora playin' T-Boz, Keke Palmer playin' Chilli, and Lil Mama playin' Left-eye.
Everything about it was great, from acting to script, and setting to wardrobe. These three did a great job of playin' these three influential women.

It was crazy how similar the remakes of the film clips were to the original film clips, and even how they moved when they danced. It was a fun and vibrant movie, and I dare you not to like it.

The world needs some more of the 90's. Some more originality. None of these modern day boring people with zero originality who are all polished up for society's standards. People need to let loose but with the right message. Stop bein' the same.


As I searched through the place of opportunities, I found my self at the verge of turning from happy and excited to outright CRAZY and ANGRY! But I was on a role, how could this happen to me. I had so far been hitting the Jack pot at this place of opportunities. I had collected Destinies Child Survivor album, their Jumpin' Jumpin' single, Kelly Rowland's first ever single 'Stole', Beyoncé's Sasha fierce album, and Janet Jackson's Double disc best of album. But it happened. It did, as i looked through the last row, I saw it, I touched it, and I bloody grabbed it! It was, yes, the, Crazy Sexy Cool TLC album. All there, all ready, all for me! I was so excited, it was pre loved, and about to be re-loved. Not that I didn't already have the album on my iTunes etc. But it was on disc, about to be played and pumped in my house. This place of opportunities, you may refer to it as 'The OpShop', it had disappointed me to the max as someone had ruined this joy for me. Reason being... Because the disc... Was not... In the case! Worst thing ever, how dare someone either not check their the case and give it to the OpShop, or someone at the OpShop not check the case and put it on display to just make people feel bad... Or for some horrible person to steal it from a shop which gives the money to charity anyway! Horrible, horrible, horrible. But It will find them.. I will...

What about your friends Ooooooh on the TLC Tip...

Biopic above, from left to right, Drew Siodora, Lil Mama, Keke Palmer


Friday, October 25, 2013


The Miss Carter show world tour...

The hunger games started at 10.45am on Tuesday the 22nd of October... It was game time. First decision was which barrier I wait in before entering the arena... I chose the one closest to my entrance door... So I waited.. Made friends with two girls called Bec and ally. They were dancers. Then they moved to the barrier closest to their entrance door when it opened. So did a few people in my barrier.. So I moved forward and made some new friends with my competitors... Corey and Brit, Carlotta, Georgia, and Liv... They were all so nice. Too bad we were about to battle everyman for himself to win the best spot. As from beyond this point we were no longer friends.. We were competitors.. And we were against each other. Somewhere during this time I was joined by my team mate Cooper...

A few hours after this 3 of my friends Carlotta, Georgia, and Liv were moved into a benefited section. Early entry for $50. But we stayed.. We knew what we had to do.
When the gates openened we were ready to run, I gave my friends Bec and ally a last look in the other barrier before it was time. And before we knew it, we were off. No looking back... Ran so fast up those wet stairs and ignored the screaming voices from the speaker "slow down! Don't run up the stairs"... I quickly turned left as soon as I got through the ticket scanner... Me and cooper were first in line.. But that was just phase one...

It was time for phase two... The spot.
After waiting in hour barriers for seven hours.. The nervousness and stress had already built so high. So in this phase you could imagine how much more it rose as we got closer. We were asked to trade our ticket in for a wrist band. 
It then was another 45 minutes until our door would open. Door 5. The back of our line then was told to split across to the door next to us. Door 6. And when it was time, all failed. Door 6 opened.. But door 5 was delayed.. The scream, the shock, the anger.. Until it opened.. Then the game was on... Cooper darted, but I got stuck, I was shoved into a door, whacked into a pole, and violently stopped by a security guard. "Stop pushing!!" He shouted.. But no one cared. Down the steps everyone ran with wrist bands up, heads down. They had one thing on their mind and nothing else. As soon as my feet hit the ground floor I ran.. I ran to the middle of the stage so I could have perfect view... And next to cooper I stood. I knew I was ready. And this spot must have been destined for me.. I had the three girls to the right, and the two girls from the other barrier to the left a bit further. We were ready. 

Through out being in the crowd of people.. I was pushed around.. And sweated on, by numerous anonymous participants. But we knew we were in for it. We were so close it was amazing. We kept working our way forward to get closer and closer. I could literally see the sweat on her face... At one point she smiled at me.. We all felt it... It was surreal. It was bootilicious. 

If you haven't figured it out yet, by the hunger games I meant the pre and post mosh pit. And by she I mean Beyoncé Giselle Knowles Carter. It was crazy up in there! Absolutely on another level.

But all was worth it to get the spot we did. 

She is better live than he is on the radio. How is it that someone can jump around and dance like crazy, and still hold a steady smooth voice. She has a way of bringing you into her performance..getting you involved, and you believe it. 
You don't even know Beyoncé until you've seen her live...

I was speaking to a few people who claimed to be such great fans of hers around 23+ years old.. Who had 1-never been to a concert of hers, 2- didn't know half the set list, 3- didn't know half the set list, and 4- didn't know half the set list. People Please.

The hunger games how ever was all worth the fight for where we ended up.. Had some great memories in between waiting.. Eating, Chatting, meeting new people, listening to music, hearing to sound check from outside.. Talking to beyonces photographer and getting a photo taken, trying to find out who the other beyonce crew members were who pretended they didn't know anything while walking out of rod laver..with American accents.. And waiting in the rain.. For seven hours.. And SEEING BEYONCÉ LIVE AND 5 meters from me!
She smiled at me as she interacted with a few of the front mosh section! 

It was great. Third Beyoncé concert, and looking forward to the next.

so close

get me bodied

freakum dress

front o' the line

the fab five... Me, Georgia, Liv, Cooper, and Carlotta

This is possibly my hand as a friend took it and I was in front of them.

Made Beyoncé's official Tumblr!... (above) here's proof 


Saturday, October 12, 2013


What else is out there? -Everyone thinks.
Aliens? Nothing? Something?
Yeah there's something...Space junk! 
Broken bits of satellites and other junk flying at you.. And once anything gets the slightest bit of momentum it doesn't stop...

I would have thought that space would be safe, there's no criminals, there's no knives, no guns, no murderers, but oh wait, I forgot, there's crazy meteor showers, and things that build up speed so fast that they catch on fire in a place that is below 0 degrees celsius, you run out of oxygen, and if not found could be floating for the rest of your life.. which won't be long with an oxygen tank, Sounds great.

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney caught in an impossible looking obstacle... We follow them through their journey...

At the beginning of the movie 'Gravity', I thought it was going to be boring... The silence, the emptyness, very few things and colours...But then it got straight into it. The crazy ideas that this is believable and possible makes you think. The silence and loneliness is quite freaky, along with the crazy orbiting debris...
The thing that got me most... Is how annoying would it be spinning continuously like that...

I don't want to say too much... But defiantly one to see...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Random act of kindness/Luck/Unlucky - Rhianna concert

I always have this thing, where i'll be thinking something, or i'll wonder if something will happen... and it usually does. It can't be something that can have a yes or no answer. It has to be something that you want to happen, or that you ask yourself if it will happen. For example 'I wonder when i'll hear from "blah" next?', and then i'll hear from them that day. Or 'I wonder if my shoes I ordered will come soon', and then they come the next day.

And I had a mini one the other day. I was standing around at work, talking to the other staff about random things. One of the things I mentioned to them was the Rihanna concert, and I asked one of them if they were going, they said no, and we just started talking about her 'shenanigans' in Perth. Turning up apparently an hour and a half late, drunk, and on weed.

Then about one hour later, I take a look at my phone, and I have 7 missed calls from my friend Cooper, and a few text messages saying there's an emergency and urgent matter! So as you would, I called back, and I hear an "are you busy tonight? wanna come to Rihanna with me?" Um... like i'd say no...
So after work, I rushed home, got ready in 30 minutes, and headed to the concert. In platforms mind you, and keep in mind that i'm already 5"11. We were going to be in the mosh pit, my first mosh pit experience, my test run for Beyoncé who's coming October 22! I was rather excited.

So we get off the train and touch off our Myki's at Richmond to head over to Rod Laver, when we were stopped in our tracks by two people in fluorescent jackets with metro on them. We call them 'the ticket inspectors'. And they said "Can I see your concession card please". As they believe that we don't look like students. We replied with "I don't have a concession card". So they hen said "Can I see some ID then?". Like come on.. I got ready in 30 minutes like i'm going to remember to bring my useless (maybe not so useless) ID card. I said "LOOK... i'm 17 and 5"11, i'm wearing makeup and heels for once in my life, and i'm going to Rihanna". They laughed, then nodded, "Ok, that's fine". Yeah that's what I thought, out'a my way I got a concert to get to. And so we began to run. Not like we were late, we just wanted to get a good spot in the pit. And we did, we were about 10 metres at the start. At first we were like, let's sit down we will be standing this whole time, and so we did. And when I stood up, I heard "ohh..", "I can't see anything", "omg". Yeah well.. not my fault, grow a little. I mean I was considerate, I contained my hair so they actually could see.

Anyway, after starting off 10 meters away while this horrible supporting act performed/DJ'd, we ended up 5 meters from the front. Every time someone fainted, or moved, or left, we jumped forward, and ended up being super close. Like I could see hair on her thighs...
But the concert was great, she's an entertainer alright... a lot of crotch grabbin'! But besides that her dancing, outfits, and enthusiasm was fab.

And what do you call this unexpected occasion. Unlucky that his friend got sick and told him to give the ticket away? Lucky because the first person he asked said she already has plans? Or random act of kindness because he thought to ask me and give it to me? I don't really know my self. But whatever it is I love it! Thanks Cooper!!!! Thanks Cooper's sick friend!!! Thanks busy person !!!

10 meters
5 meters
Love the boots
So close

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Third holiday goal complete - Take out my braids

After 2 months it was about time to take my braids out. So along with the help of my Mum, and my  friend Cooper, we did it.

With a bucket, some scissors, and a bobby pin. We were all set and ready. So the only thing left to do, was chuck on a movie. We knew the movies we were going to watch. 'Hairspray', and then 'High School Musical'. Definitely can't go wrong with those two. Just sing the tunes, and undo the hair. By the end of 'High School Musical' they were out. I was free, and my head was light! We had a bucket full of hair, not just fake mind you. While in took a shower, (a long one), I thought I was going bald, as I had 5 handfuls of hair come out of my head. So after the shower, I ended up with a bucket of fake hair, and a plastic bag of my hair. I'm amazed I still have hair on my head. You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at my head that I don't have as much as I started with. Looks like the same old Marli's trademark 'poof' as people say.

Well I'm free now, my head doesn't itch, and its soft as anything. Thanks to Cooper, Mum, and my self.




Sunday, September 29, 2013

Second holiday goal complete - Beyoncé Stencil

Something Crafty

For a long time I have been meaning to do an Andy Warhol style piece of Beyoncé stencils grouped together in different colours. And the other day, I finished it.

I completed the actual stencil about a 3 months ago, but the weather hadn't been great on weekends, I didn't get spray paint until a while after, and I was still busy with basketball and school. So what better tim to do it in the Holidays. 

My friend from school mentioned to me a while ago, that her friend makes stencils from covers of display folders. So I cut off the cover of a spare display folder. Printed a Beyoncé stencil off the computer, stuck it on and got cuttin'.

I did it out side on a old pin board leaned up against a tree in my yard. Then began sprayin'.
The thing that was a bit difficult is scrubbing the spray paint off the plastic with turpentine while trying not to bend the stencil. I recommend getting a flat tray (eg. paint rolling tray) before doing this, filling it with turpentine, (just enough that if you lay the stencil down it would cover it), so that after your finished with one colour/the last coat, you can get it off easier and it doesn't ruin your next one.

What you'll Need:

- Display folder to cut out stencil. (can use thick paper)
- Spray paint
- Stanley knife
- Gas mask or mask (for fumes0
- Turpentine
- A couple of rags (to put the turpentine on
- A flat tray/ Paint rolling tray (to put the turpentine in)
- Gloves (to wear while spraying or using turpentine)
- Flat board or ground to use as a surface to lean your stencil on
- Flat paper or wall (depending on what you will be spray onto)

My stencil...

Stencil I cut out on display folder cover

You can make any thing!... Tshirts, Cards