Sunday, September 29, 2013

Second holiday goal complete - Beyoncé Stencil

Something Crafty

For a long time I have been meaning to do an Andy Warhol style piece of Beyoncé stencils grouped together in different colours. And the other day, I finished it.

I completed the actual stencil about a 3 months ago, but the weather hadn't been great on weekends, I didn't get spray paint until a while after, and I was still busy with basketball and school. So what better tim to do it in the Holidays. 

My friend from school mentioned to me a while ago, that her friend makes stencils from covers of display folders. So I cut off the cover of a spare display folder. Printed a Beyoncé stencil off the computer, stuck it on and got cuttin'.

I did it out side on a old pin board leaned up against a tree in my yard. Then began sprayin'.
The thing that was a bit difficult is scrubbing the spray paint off the plastic with turpentine while trying not to bend the stencil. I recommend getting a flat tray (eg. paint rolling tray) before doing this, filling it with turpentine, (just enough that if you lay the stencil down it would cover it), so that after your finished with one colour/the last coat, you can get it off easier and it doesn't ruin your next one.

What you'll Need:

- Display folder to cut out stencil. (can use thick paper)
- Spray paint
- Stanley knife
- Gas mask or mask (for fumes0
- Turpentine
- A couple of rags (to put the turpentine on
- A flat tray/ Paint rolling tray (to put the turpentine in)
- Gloves (to wear while spraying or using turpentine)
- Flat board or ground to use as a surface to lean your stencil on
- Flat paper or wall (depending on what you will be spray onto)

My stencil...

Stencil I cut out on display folder cover

You can make any thing!... Tshirts, Cards

Thursday, September 26, 2013

First holiday goal compete - Gingerbread men

Although its not Christmas, I completed my first holiday goal of creating some Gingerbread men.
At Christmas time I love to be extravagant, and create an entire creation of a Gingerbread house. However because it's not Christmas, I thought I could settle with making something a little toned down.

Making Gingerbread men is fun and easy. You can make a number of different sizes and shapes, and it doesn't even take that long to make.

Prep time: 20 minutes
Time to cook: 10 minutes

All you need is: (to make 25 average sized men)

1/2 golden syrup
2 1/2 cup Plain Flour
1 tsp bicarb Soda
125g butter (room temperature)
1/2 cup Brown sugar
1 egg separated
tbs ground ginger
tsp nutmeg
tsp cinnamon

Royal icing:

egg whites (from the separated egg)
1 cup icing sugar (can vary)
Food dye, any colour (amount varies, for me usually 3 drops)

Icing- for when you drop the egg whites, or accidentally throw them out:

2 tsp butter
tbs milk
1 cup icing sugar

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius
2. Beat the butter and brown sugar with wooden spoon or electric beater, until creamy
3. Beat in egg and golden syrup until combined
4. Add flour, and use a wooden spoon and your hand to fold into the mixture along with the cinnamon, 5.ginger, and nutmeg
6. Then pack in tight ball, wrap in glad wrap, and place in fridge for 30min
7. Meanwhile, make the icing, by putting the icing sugar in a bowl and gradually adding the egg whites (or milk and softened butter) and food dye, until thick but not dry.
8. After 30 minutes in the fridge, Dust some flour over a flat surface/bench top, take out the gingerbread and roll out into a 4-5mm thick disc, to cut shapes out with your cookie cutters
9. Place in oven for 10 minutes (keep an eye on them through out)
10. After 10 minutes take them out and wait till they're cool. Then decorate with the icing. You can use a piping bag, or Zip lock bag with a small whole in the corner.


Ingredients needed to make the gingerbread

Butter and brown sugar combined

Separated egg

Egg yolk and golden syrup added

Flour and Spices added

Flouring surface for rolling

Put in a ball in glad rap to be placed in the fridge

 Cookie cutting time

Some of the cookies on the greased trays to be put in the oven

Fresh baked Cookies

Iced Gingerbread men

Some close up faces

Icing out in a zip lock bag. If you want to save plastic you could put two in one like i've done here

Pipin' away

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Cheetahs hit the Beach...

The Cheetahs went down to the beach to have a picnic...
We read trash mags, ate food, and went walkin'...
Having a Cheetah catch up is great fun, especially when your an easy bunch of Cheetahs...
Galleria, Chanel, Dorinda, Aquanetta ... Growl Power ...

Cheetah Adventure Details:

Adventure food: Cheetah olives, Cheetah avocado dip, Cheetah tsatziki, Cheetah corn chips, Cheetah fruit salad, Cheetah Pepsi, Cheetah fairy bread, Cheetah cheesles, Cheetah chocolate, dried Cheetah mango, and Cheetah bread sticks.

Adventure activities: mystery of the unexplained cloud of water shooting out of something changing continuously from clear to black, cartwheels and round offs, walk along the beach and the pier, trash mag talk, photo capture, and the distant sense and spotting of familiar people.

Adventure transport: Tram, and by foot. 

Future Adventure: Next stop... The beach again... 

Watch to see what we got up to... 'We're so classic'

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Holidays have begun...

Holidays are a great time to create, do, and admire...

What I aim to complete during these two week holidays...

1. Make something crafty
2. Read a book
3. Go roller blading down at the beach
4. Take out my braids
5. Go for 3 runs around 'The Tan'
6. Make some Ginger bread men
7. Become a pro at the cup song
8. Complete my homework

Keep checking my blog, follow, or subscribe to see how many I can complete...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Yesterday I finished the TV series lost...

I am definitely the biggest fan of suspense TV shows...

I always start out in the first 5ish minutes of the first episode, thinking...'what the hell is this?' 
Then just like oh this isn't that good, but i'll just watch the next episode. Then you think, 'oh my god is this going to get any better.. what am i watching?' So then you move on to the next episode, and by then your kinda getting to know the main character a bit. And by the next episode you want to know what that 'thing' is for. Then you end up watching the whole series because they never tell you the 'thing' until the end of the whole series! Or they just keep bringing new crazy hidden 'things' out. And by the second last season, you know everyones life story and you feel sorry for them all.

And yes, 'Lost' was completely like this. I kinda feel like by the 4th season, they started making up some random crap so they could make more episodes. 

The character's in 'Lost' were easily attachable. From the start we all knew who we liked best. For me it was Kate. Then I began to like Sawyer, and Jin, Desmond and Penny, Ana-Lucia, and definitely Hurley. Charlie was possibly the most annoying character in a show I have ever witnessed, i don't know why but he just was, he made stupid decisions, and his character just annoyed me. I also hated Ben, until he became good, and hated Juliette because she was so neutral and content all the time like nothing was happening, however then also came to like her as well. I absolutely hated Lock in the second half of the series because he just tried to take over! Didn't mind Jack the whole way through but began to be irritating when he started with the 'we are here for a purpose' crap. Did't mind Richard until the second half, and Sayid was annoying but I kinda didn't mind him. The rest of the passenger characters weren't too bad. Loved Alex and Danielle Russo, hated all Charles Wigmore's men.

Most of the themes in Lost weren't too bad. The time travel was pretty cool but annoying because I like things that could possibly be true. But it was good to watch and see them go back in time to the Dharma initiative, find family, etc. Jacob and 'the man in black' annoyed me because we never knew 'his' name. And I generally didn't care about them. I didn't really like the whole island being pockets of energy thing, and we can't release them because bad stuff will happen. And I really liked the side-ways flash world, and back in the real world scenes about the passengers.

What I didn't like about lost was like i said above... The pocket of energy thing, jacob and the man in black. The fact that people became 'infected', but then kinda turned normal again after a while (eg. Sayid, and Claire). I also didn't like how the series made you think that the whispers were 'The Others', when they were just 'people who the island wouldn't let go of'. I didn't like how it didn't explain 'The Others' tip toeing bare-foot through the jungle. As well as the other un answered questions like the food drop, room 23, the Polar Bears, and the cause of pregnancy issues. And I didn't like how the last episodes left me confused about everything that just happened. Eg. Are they all dead? or are they all alive? How long have they been dead for? How did they die? If their dead there, then did the plane even return them? Or is it really far into the future, after the ones who returned have lived their lives? Like Kate, the Pilot, Miles, Richard, Claire. Please explain. You can't make me watch the TV for 2 months and not tell me what actually happened in the end.

But it does leave you thinking. And i'm sure it will leave me thinking for a very LONG time. But I highly recommend Lost. watch it (it's funny watching them age too). I also recommend  Prison Break, and Nikita! They are both my favourites! 

Marlometer: 8/10
Watch again: Yes, in about 10 years.
Why I liked it: Suspenseful, entertaining, annoying, able to connect to characters.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I Don't Like...

There's a lot of things that I don't like... and here's a few...

1. Indian food

2. Debating about Vegans and Vegetarians

3. Greedy people on Deal or no Deal

4. One Direction

5. Shitzu dogs

6. Strawberry milk

7. When name their children stupid names

8. When two people talk to you at the same time!

9. When people wear their hair on the side

!0. When people eat with their mouth open, chew loudly, and make small annoying noises!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Caribbean involvement in Melbourne

For all the Caribbean community in Melbourne/Victoria.
There aren't many organisations out there for the smaller cultures in Melbourne.
And for some cultures and nationalities, it's rare to see many people from the same area or country.

Tobago, where i'm from, and other smaller islands in the Caribbean are definitely some of them. I guess if you don't know where to look.

A few years ago when I was down at the park, I was just rollerblading around when I noticed two kids and a father playing hide and seek. And as black people do, we acknowledged each other. And he then asked me where I was from, and from there we talked for a while as he was also from the Caribbean. During this conversation he introduced me to something called 'Caribvic' which he told be to go look up when I get home.

He said to me, that I should come to the next event/meeting. But I never ended up going, as I completely forgot about it. However after remembering after so long, I have checked out the events coming up and have dated the days and times. 
There's an event in September and in November. I will be attending.

'CaribVic' is an organisation that holds events and promotions for Victoria's Caribbean community. It has things like, Steel pan festivals, picnics, lunches, etc. It seems to usually be on a Sunday, times varying depending on the event.

Anyone else who is interested should defiantly check it out on the Link below! Or just search 'CaribVic' in google or your alternative search engine. 

It's a really great chance to expand your knowledge of Caribbean culture in Melbourne/Victoria, so it would really be worth taking notice of, or simply supporting it.

Monday, September 9, 2013


I am definitely a big traveler thanks to my mum. I've been to a number of amazing places, and Bali is definitely up there.

The first time I went to Bali was in 2009, and then returned in 2011. It was great, I absolutely loved it.
My first impression I can remember was "Its hot, it smells funny, where's the bug spray". But then after having a look around as soon as we got there I was able to see how great this was going to be.


In Seminyak the first time round, we stayed in a friends house right near the Bintang Supermarket. We were in a great spot as we were close to absolutely everything. The shops, the beach, the restaurants. But then again in Seminyak it doesn't really matter where you are, there are always shops, restaurants, and the beach.

The second time round, we stayed in the best hotel you could ask for. 'Puri Sendana'. This hotel was not just only '$60' a night and alright. It was '$60' a night and Fab! This time I only went with mum, so we just had a Queen bed, and along with that there was plenty of room! Not that you ever wanted to stay in your room. We just wanted to lay by the pool side. The pool was great, the kiddy pool had a mini basketball ring. There were shaded tables and lounges around the pool. It wasn't huge so it wasn't busy with heaps of people flooding in. And the people that were there were interesting people. There were many different accents heard, (my favourites being the Brazillians'). I fortunately in this Hotel didn't have to come into contact with any Australian bogans, except for one semi-bogan who asked me to sit at their table with him and his mate who were having a beer. As he probably didn't know that I wasn't 25 like he looked, I was 15. There was free Wifi for the guests. There was a fabulous massage hut next to the pool where you could get a cheap, great massage and or manicure/pedicure. And the staff, service and food quality was also very good. You could literally go to Bali and stay in this Hotel and never leave and your experience would still be great.

In Seminyak there is so much your able to do. everything is walking distance, and if its too hot for you, then you can just hop in a air-conditioned cab ride anywhere for terribly cheap. The food and quality is great, and the meals are very inexpensive and amazing.  Down on the beach you can sit on the bean bags and watch the sun set, as you have a pizza and a drink in your fresh manicure. You can watch the kids play soccer, people swimming, people selling kites and other things (a lot of things), and as it gets darker, the locals selling crazy lasers, and flying light spinning things. The shopping is great, the fake stuff is fun, what every you want you will probably find. 

Seminak restaurant recommendations:

- Cafe Bali
- Ultimo
- La Luciola 
- Ryoshi
- Panterei
- Cafe Seminyak
- Potato head


Both times in Ubud we stayed in the same hotel 'Ubud Bungalow'. It was a great hotel. Very quiet, lots of greenery, and fresh clean air. The pool here was very nice as well. It had a swim up bar, and a lovely Buddha fountain. The staff were lovely and very helpful. The breakfast here was great as well. They had a very nice sitting area which overlooked the plants and small stream. We were given a different breakfast each day. I remember one was egg and toast with fruit and a papaya drink. Another I remember was banana pancakes with fruit and a papaya drink. As well as others which I can't remember, but they were also very nice.

In Ubud, if you ever go there, you must go to the Ubud Monkey Forest. It is so much fun, you get to walk through a awesome green forest, with cheeky monkeys at your feet, and chasing each other around. You can buy small bananas which they can give you to feed the monkeys. We didn't, but we interacted with them other ways. Like it trying to pull my skirt down. Take my shoe off. And open my mums bag. They didn't take anything, but they definitely would of if we didn't notice them doing it. There were so many cute baby monkeys and mumma monkeys. There was a branch in one area which was over a small pool of water and the monkeys were all pushing each other off. They would run and jump into it then get out and run up and do it again. Then they would push their friends in and hang off the branch almost teasing them.

The quietness, and atmosphere in ubud is great. The food is great, and the activities are definitely great!
Ubud is definitely the place for some activities. Our fist activity was about an hour and  half long bike ride all down hill from mount Batur. We saw everything, riding through the small villages where there was practically nothing but amazing farm land and crop area. The villages had small houses, and groups of school kids and small kids trudging back home. Although they didn't have much they were happy as anything high fiving us for laughs. We saw the fabulous lush rice fields and the hilly roads as we entered back down into the main area of Ubud where our group stopped for lunch. Even though my butt was very sore after, it was definitely worth doing, and something I would gladly do again.

We also went rafting in Ubud down at 'Ayung river'. Very steep climb to the bottom was ahead of us, but we made it. A lot of people were going rafting (light rafting mind you) I'm an adventurer and all for extremes. And although it wasn't extreme, it was very entertaining and fun. The view from down in the trench was incredible. It was slightly foggy, with waterfalls here and there, rocks here and there, and the odd man on the side selling some drinks. There were even some area our instructor told us it was safe to get out and swim. So we did. Some of the people on our raft got off and went for a little swim with the slow current. Then he would say 'back on raft please' and back on we went. It was a lot of fun not too rapid, and had a good meal after back up the top.

The coffee plantation in Ubud is also worth going to. As you get to see coffee in it's shell like form on the trees.

Ubud restaurant recommendations:

- Sari Organic (Amazing, must go. Ingredients grown on sight. It's pretty much in the middle of a rice field)
- Warung Enak Bali
- Kafe
- Ibu Rai (Indonesian food)
- Mozaic (Didn't go but it is suppose to be amazing, and 'VERY EXPENSIVE')
- Bali Buddah 
- Jazz Cafe


Amed is a place where you go to relax, it's quite a drive from Seminyak/Ubud. About 3 hours from Seminyak and about 2 hours from Ubud. Both times we went here we stayed at the one and only 'Blue moon villas' which was absolutely wonderful. They had two pools, both with great views. And while we were there the second time they were also building another part of the hotel just down the mountain a bit. From the edge of the pool you can see the great still ocean sitting there like a flat pancake. You see the trees, the sky, and the plants. Down the road a bit theres a path way down onto the black sand beach where there are small villa huts. You can go snorkelling down at the beach and rent to Snorkelling equipment from the hotel. Its great snorkelling, so many different colours down there. A bit of rubbish too mind you. But well worth it. Down the road either way from the hotel there's a couple other small hotels your able to see. Almost every night we played board games after dinner which the hotel had. The food at the hotel was very good as well. And the staff were nice and funny. Anything you needed they were happy to help, and they were also happy to have a laugh. I remember one staff member 'Leilu' was definitely not shy a chat, and always asked us how our day was, and what we did that day. Another memorable line from her being "if you need anything just scream out 'Leiluuuuuuuu i'm hungry'! And I will get you food". I was told also, that people come out to Amed to go about a 20 minute drive up the road and go out to sea and swim down to the sunken ship.

Amed restaurant Recomendations:

- Komang Johns (Blue Moon Villas)
- Life in Amed restaurant (also a resort)
- Apa Kabar 
- Warung Enak Homestay 

Trip advisor is a great website for this stuff.

On our bike ride in Ubud

View from the hotel in Amed

Another view from Blue moon Villas (Amed)

A very bad picture of a delicious (real, not packet noodle) migoreng

At 'Sari Organic'

A very dark picture of at 'Potato head' (a restaurant and bar in Seminyak)

Having fairy floss after our pizza on the beach

The cheeky little monkeys in Ubud

Rafting in Ubud at the Ayung river

A restaurant/cafe at mount Batur

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sound Of Music

After a long few months of rehearsing... the production week came along.

This was my second musical I participated in for school. My first was 'The Wizard Of Oz' where I was a dancer. But this year in 'The Sound Of Music' I played Herr Zeller (who was a Nazi). Bit Ironic I thought, a black Nazi.

The first matinee and night performance was a blast. We hit it off great. And it followed on from that in the second night, and third night performance. There was no loss of Hype through out the whole week. Although we were tired, we were still hyped. 

Met some great people. And had a great time pretending to be someone i'm not! I enjoyed everything about the musical from beginning to end. The great thing about musicals and participating in them, is that your with a wide range of people of all different ages. Young, Old, Big, Small, Big boned, Skinny, annoying, quiet. There all there, and they all contribute to releasing an amazing group of people.

Thanks to everyone for making it fab. I'll miss it.

The hills were definitely alive...

Havin' a chat with the stage manager and the director

Rehearsal lunch break

Me and the boys

End of the show bows

Me (Herr Zeller)

Crazy costume

Elsa and I

The nuns

My 'wife' and I

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hanoi Hannah - Vietnamese restaurant

For fathers day, my Dad and I went to an awesome Vietnamese restaurant called Hanoi Hannah.
This was my first time ever trying Vietnamese food. I always say I hate things without ever trying them.  I'd say most of the time I am right and I hate the food. How ever I was clearly wrong about Vietnamese food.

The atmosphere was great. The staff were great. The inside and the outside of the restaurant were great.

Everything was very affordable and very good quality. As I had never been there, and never had Vietnamese food before. I just asked my Dad to get a few things on the menu which he knew were good. So we ended up ordering, the some Prawn rice paper roll type things, the fried Spring rolls (I can't exactly remember the names of them), the Salt and pepper dusted prawns, The soft shell crab, and the Duck Noodle glass salad. Every single thing we ate was absolutely delicious. The person next to me was sippin' on a nice looking coconut. And the staff replaced the water bottle as soon as it was empty (my fave).

Definitely worth checking out. In Prarahn on the corner of High St and Chapel St.
Check out their Website

Food: 9/10
Price: 9/10
Service: 9/10
Return: Definitely

Fried spring rolls

Soft shell Crab

Salt and Pepper dusted Squid

Noodle glass salad with duck

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Marli's hidden truths

There's a lot of random things that no one knows about me. That no one would think I would like, do, think, want.
But... You can't tell everything about something from common facts and looks.

Here's a few things you didn't know.. and now you do..

1. I have a secret musical love for Dido, Natasha Bedingfield, and Kylie Minogue

2. I hate capsicum and cucumber

3. I hate pumpkin but love pumpkin soup

4. Small noises annoy me more than big noises

5. I'm not the biggest fan of wearing red clothing

6. My birthday is the same day as Magic Johnson's

7. Through out my time I have wanted to be a mid-wife, lawyer, singer, model, news presenter, and a TV show host.

8. One of my Favourite actors is Nicole Kidman

9. My Favourite animal is a Cat

10. I hate reading books and magazines

Unwritten- Natasha Bedingfield

And that's just the tip of the iceberg...